Re-Accredited 'B' Grade by NAAC
Affiliated to M.J.P Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Established in 16 July 1949
ISO 9001:2015 certified


: Ram Ji Lal
Govt. Raza PG College ,Rampur
: 9411487291
: Assistant Professor
: 01-Jun-1971
  • M.A.
  • Ph.D.
  1. Attended National Seminar “Access and Equity VS Qulity and Relivance in Higher Education” Jan 13-14-2007
  2. National Seminar on “Higher Education Entrepreneurship and empowerment of woman” Feb 10, 2009 Govt. P.G. College Women, Rampur. Presented the paper entitled “Entrepreneurship & Women empowerment”.
  3. xUuk mRiknd LukrdksÙkj egkfo|ky; cgsM+h&cjsyh vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsfeukj 15 ,oe~ 16 ekpZ 2009 Xykacy ckfeZax & Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij blds izHkko ^^Ik;kZoj.k iznw’k.k dk lkekftd ifjos”k o jgu lgu ij izHkko** isij izLrqr fd;kA
  4. Attended National Seminar on Innovations in Higher Education “mPp f”k{kk esa uokpkj” March 28-29th 2010.
  5. txnh”k lju fgUnw LukdksÙkj egkfo|ky;] vejksgk vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsfeukj 18&19 Qjojh 2011 ^^oS”ohdj.k ,oe~ f”k{kk** ^^mPp f”k{kk ij oS”ohdj.k dk euksoSKkfud izHkko** fo’k;d “kks/k i= izLrqr fd;kA
  6. National Seminar on Higher Education in India: Present Scenario and Future Prospects-Sept. 18-19 2011 Govt. Raza P.G. Collge Rampur U.P. Presented paper- “Higher Education in India – Its Present and Future Prospects”
  7. National Seminar on Environment and Social Issus (U.G.C.) Feb 25-26, 2012 Presented a research paper entitled ek/;fed Ldwy Nk= Nk=kvksa esa i;kZoj.k lapsuk Govt. Raza P.G. College, Rampur.
  8. National Seminar on Environment and Bio Science and 17th Convention of U.P. Govt. Degree colleges Academic Society March 2-3, 2013. Presented Research Paper Entitled  “Emerging Brain and Mind problems.
  9. National Conference on “Random waste Disposal: Socioecological Impacts and Concerns” 12 January 2014 presented paper “ Environmental Health and Pollution”
  10. National Seminar sponsored by Dept. of Higher Education (U.P.) Govt. Girls P.G. College, Rampur U.P. 25-26 Feb 2014 “Increasing violence against women in India, “Starch for Remedies”
  11. Participated in the National seminar on “Issue concerning the Higher Education in India” March 1-2, 2014 sponsored by Higher Education Department, Govt. of U.P. Under the Auspices of Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur Presented research paper entitled “Role of University in knowledge society”
  12. Participated 56th Annual Delhi State Medical Conference Sunday 16 March 2014, Delhi Medical Association.
  13. Participated National Seminar on “Foreign Direct Investment in India: Opportunities and challenges” sponsored by U.G.C. 26-27 February, 2015. Presented research Paper- “izR;{k fons”kh fuos”k dk jkstxkj ij izHkko” organized by Department of Economics P.N.G. Govt. P.G. College Ramnagar (Nainital) Uttrakhand.
  14. Participated and Presented paper national seminar on “Higher Education in India: Present Scenario and Future Perspectives for value Based Education 28 February – 1 March 2015. Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur. Presented Research paper entitled “Hkkjr esa mPp f”k{kk % ,d euksoSKkfud n`f’Vdks.k”
  15. Participated Nainital Conference on “ Higher Education: “Nurturing Quality Through Innovations” 29-30 March 2015 under the auspices of Govt. P.G. College, Bilaspur (Rampur) U.P. sponsored by Dept. of Higher Education Govt. of U.P. Presented Research Paper entitled “ICT and Higher Education in India”
  16. Participated National conference on “National Integration in India: “Issue and challenges”  sponsored by Indian council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi 06-07- December, 2015organised by Deptt. Of Sociology SBS Govt. P.G. College Rudrapur (Uttrakhand) Presented paper entitled “Communal Tolerance among children from Low Socio Economic status Families.”
  17. Participated the National conference on “Environmental Protection Through innovation Approaches for Sustainable Development 27th – 28th January 2016 Department of Botany Khandelwal College of Management Science and Technology, Bareilly U.P.
  18. Participated the Swami Shukdevnand 8th International Seminar organized by S.S. (P.G.) College, Mumukshu Ashram, Shahjahanpur NAAC B+ (M.J.P. Rohilkhand University) 30-31th Jan 2016. Presented Research paper “Emotional Intelligence: The source of Real Happiness”.
  19. Participated the National Seminar “Status of Higher Education in Indian with special Reference to Uttar Pradesh” organized by Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur U.P. 20-21 Feb 2016. Presented Research paper “Roll of Emotional and spiritual intelligence in Making peace and non-violence.
  20. Participated the National conference on our Environment: “Explore, care and share” 25-26 Feb 2016 organized by Govt. College, Bilaspur (Rampur) U.P. presented paper entitled “Environment and Health”
  21. Participated the National Seminar on “ 70 years of India's Independence Gains accumulated and Losses incurred Path Ahead: An overview 29-30 Nov 2016 organized by Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur U.P. Presented Research Paper entitled “Sustainable Development of Human Resource in India.”
  22. Participated National Seminar on “Independent India: Retrospection and Future Prospects” 17-18 December 2016 organized by Govt. P.G. College Badaun. Paper Presented entitled “Women Empowerment Challenges and Solutions”.
  23. Participated National Seminar on “Digital India: Digital Empowerment to Citizens” 14-15 Jan 2017 organised by Ram Lubhai Sahani Govt. Mohila P.G. College, Pilibhit”  Research Paper presented entitled “Digital India challenges Ahead and Advantages”
  24. Attended National Seminar on “Creating a Verified foundation for sustainable development Education and Empowerment” 27-28 Jan 2018 presented research paper entitled “Women Empowerment in India: Issued and Challenges”
  25. Attended National Seminar on “GST” A Road Map of Economic Development for New India 01-02 Feb 2018. Presented Research paper entitled “Impact of GST on Indian economy”.
  1. National Seminar on “Higher Education Entrepreneurship and empowerment of woman” Feb 10, 2009 Govt. P.G. College Women, Rampur. Presented the paper entitled “Entrepreneurship & Women empowerment”.
  2. xUuk mRiknd LukrdksÙkj egkfo|ky; cgsM+h&cjsyh vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsfeukj 15 ,oe~ 16 ekpZ 2009 Xykacy ckfeZax & Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij blds izHkko ^^Ik;kZoj.k iznw’k.k dk lkekftd ifjos”k o jgu lgu ij izHkko** isij izLrqr fd;kA
  3. txnh”k lju fgUnw LukdksÙkj egkfo|ky;] vejksgk vf[ky Hkkjrh; lsfeukj 18&19 Qjojh 2011 ^^oS”ohdj.k ,oe~ f”k{kk** ^^mPp f”k{kk ij oS”ohdj.k dk euksoSKkfud izHkko** fo’k;d “kks/k i= izLrqr fd;kA
  4. National Seminar on Higher Education in India: Present Scenario and Future Prospects-Sept. 18-19 2011 Govt. Raza P.G. Collge Rampur U.P. Presented paper- “Higher Education in India – Its Present and Future Prospects”
  5. National Seminar on Environment and Social Issus (U.G.C.) Feb 25-26, 2012 Presented a research paper entitled ek/;fed Ldwy Nk= Nk=kvksa esa i;kZoj.k lapsuk Govt. Raza P.G. College, Rampur.
  6. National Seminar on Environment and Bio Science and 17th Convention of U.P. Govt. Degree colleges Academic Society March 2-3, 2013. Presented Research Paper Entitled “Emerging Brain and Mind problems.
  7.  National Conference on “Random waste Disposal: Socioecological Impacts and Concerns” 12 January 2014 presented paper “ Environmental Health and Pollution”
  8. National Seminar sponsored by Dept. of Higher Education (U.P.) Govt. Girls P.G. College, Rampur U.P. 25-26 Feb 2014 “Increasing violence against women in India, “Search for Remedies”
  9.  Participated in the National seminar on “Issue concerning the Higher Education in India” March 1-2, 2014 sponsored by Higher Education Department, Govt. of U.P. Under the Auspices of Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur Presented research paper entitled “Role of University in knowledge society”
  10.  Participated National Seminar on “Foreign Direct Investment in India: Opportunities and challenges” sponsored by U.G.C. 26-27 February, 2015. Presented research Paper- “izR;{k fons”kh fuos”k dk jkstxkj ij izHkko” organized by Department of Economics P.N.G. Govt. P.G. College Ramnagar (Nainital) Uttrakhand.
  11. Participated and Presented paper national seminar on “Higher Education in India: Present Scenario and Future Perspectives for value Based Education 28 February – 1 March 2015. Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur. Presented Research paper entitled “Hkkjr esa mPp f”k{kk % ,d euksoSKkfud n`f’Vdks.k”
  12. Participated Nainital Conference on “ Higher Education: “Nurturing Quality Through Innovations” 29-30 March 2015 under the auspices of Govt. P.G. College, Bilaspur (Rampur) U.P. sponsored by Dept. of Higher Education Govt. of U.P. Presented Research Paper entitled “ICT and Higher Education in India”
  13. Participated National workshop on “Human Rights Education and Dalit Women Govt. Past Graduate College, Khair Aligarh dated 13 June to 19th June 2015 sponsored by U.G.C. New Delhi.
  14. Participated National conference on “National Integration in India: “Issue and challenges”  sponsored by Indian council of Social Sciences Research, New Delhi 06-07- December, 2015organised by Deptt. Of Sociology SBS Govt. P.G. College Rudrapur (Uttrakhand) Presented paper entitled “Communal Tolerance among children from Low Socio Economic status Families.”
  15. Participated the Swami Shukdevnand 8th International Seminar organized by S.S. (P.G.) College, Mumukshu Ashram, Shahjahanpur NAAC B+ (M.J.P. Rohilkhand University) 30-31th Jan 2016. Presented Research paper “Emotional Intelligence: The source of Real Happiness”.
  16. Participated the National Seminar “Status of Higher Education in Indian with special Reference to Uttar Pradesh” organized by Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur U.P. 20-21 Feb 2016. Presented Research paper “Roll of Emotional and spiritual intelligence in Making peace and non-violence.
  17.  Participated the National conference on our Environment: “Explore, care and share” 25-26 Feb 2016 organized by Govt. College, Bilaspur (Rampur) U.P. presented paper entitled “Environment and Health”
  18. Participated the National Seminar on “ 70 years of India's Independence Gains accumulated and Losses incurred Path Ahead: An overview 29-30 Nov 2016 organized by Govt. Raza P.G. College Rampur U.P. Presented Research Paper entitled “Sustainable Development of Human Resource in India.”
  19. Participated National Seminar on “Independent India: Retrospection and Future Prospects” 17-18 December 2016 organized by Govt. P.G. College Badaun. Paper Presented entitled “Women Empowerment Challenges and Solutions”.
  20. Participated National Seminar on “Digital India: Digital Empowerment to Citizens” 14-15 Jan 2017 organised by Ram Lubhai Sahani Govt. Mohila P.G. College, Pilibhit”  Research Paper presented entitled “Digital India challenges Ahead and Advantages”
  21. Attended National Seminar on “Creating a Verified foundation for sustainable development Education and Empowerment” 27-28 Jan 2018 presented research paper entitled “Women Empowerment in India: Issued and Challenges”
  22. Attended National Seminar on “GST” A Road Map of Economic Development  for New India 01-02 Feb 2018. Presented Research paper entitled “Impact of GST on Indian economy”.
  1. Singh, Ravinder and Ajita Rani (2003). Handednes and Gender Differences in Spatial Abilities. Anthropologist, 2003, 4(1): 113-118
  2. Ajita Rani, Talwar, U.K., Ravinder Singh, V.K.S. Gautam (2014). People Living with Epilepsy-Exploring socio cultural determinants affecting their life. International Journal of Health, 2 (1) (2014) 3-6 doi: 10.14419/ijh.v2il.1986.
  3. A. Rani, R. Singh (2017) Alcoholic holding in India: Review Behavioral Scientist 2017, 18 (2) 1117 – 124.

Psychosocial study of Epilepsy- Specific Beliefs, Attitudes and Behavior in Rural Communities in the Districts of North India (2010-12), sponsored by UGC, New Delhi. PI : Dr. Ajita Rani, Co-PI: Dr. Ravinder Singh

  1. Ajita Rani and Revinder Singh (2012). Handedness and Gender Differences in Spatial Abilities of University Students. Land Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
  2. Singh, Ravinder; Upmesh K. Talwar and Ajita Rani (2014). Understanding Interpersonal Relationship and Human Group Behavior Munich. Germany GRIN Publishing, GmbH, Interpersonal Relationship and Human Group Behavior.
  3. Dr. Ravindra Singh, Ajita Rani (2017) Human Behaviour, Nation pres 2017 ISBN – 978-1-946-983-30-5
  1. Orientation Course from 01.11.2006 to 28.11.2006, organized by Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, U.P.
  2. Professional Development Course in Computer(basic), from 26.12.2009 to 30.12.2009,   organized by Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, U.P.
  3. Subject Refresher Course on SRC in Research methodology in Social Sciences (Psychology) from 31.03.2013 to 19.04.2013 organized by Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, U.P.
  4. Subject Refresher Course on Women Studies (Psychology) from 03.12.2014 to 24 Dec. 2014, organized by Academic Staff College, AMU, Aligarh, U.P.
  5. Sponsored Short term course from 04-10 November 2016 organized by HRDC University of Lucknow.
  6. Participated the workshop on “United Nations sustainable and millennium development goals 8-14 December 2016. Held at Gokul Das Hindu Girls College, Moradabad.
  7. Participated National workshop on “Human Rights Education and Dalit Women Govt. Past Graduate College, Khair Aligarh dated 13 June to 19th June 2015 sponsored by U.G.C. New Delhi.
: 27-Mar-2006
: 18 year 9month


Govt. Raza Post Graduate College, Rampur
Khusro Bagh ,Rampur - 244901(UP) India,
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