Re-Accredited 'B' Grade by NAAC
Affiliated to M.J.P Rohilkhand University, Bareilly
Established in 16 July 1949
ISO 9001:2015 certified


: krishna Murari Rastogi
Govt. Raza PG College ,Rampur
: 9358606538
: Assistant Professor
: 10-Oct-1983
  • M.Ed.
  1. Creative approaches : teaching and learning for future, january11-12,2008, RBMI, Bareilly.
  2. Female fetus Killing: A National curse.,15-16 November,2009,kevlanand B.Ed. college, Bijnor
  3. Restructuring education to meet the emerging needs of new india, Dec 12,2009, KCMT, Bareilly.
  4. ICT  in teacher education , April8-9,2010,dept. of Education, MJPRU, Bareilly.
  5. Promoting e-governance culture in institutions of higher education,March20-21,2013, dept. of Education, MJPRU, Bareilly.
  6. Education and rehabilitation of children with special needs;March22-23,2013; dept. of Education, MJPRU, Bareilly.
  7. Swami Vivekanand : the voice of resurgent India; Jan30,2016;kmggpg college, badalpur.
  8. Status of higher education with special reference to Uttar Pradesh;Feb 20-21,2016; Govt. raza pg college, Rampur.
  9. Development in india: issues, challenges and strategies with special reference to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s role; kmggpg college, badalpur.
  10. The creative revolutionary role of women in independent india;Dec11-12,2016; kmggpg college, badalpur
  11. Higher education  in india: present scenario and future perspective for value based education; Feb28- March1,2015 ; Govt. raza pg college, Rampur.
  12. Policy changes in teacher education programme: accomplishing the vision;March3,2015;Amity  Univesity
  13. Gender Disparity and women security: issues , challenges and solutions;Nov28-29,2015; kmggpg college, badalpur.
  14. Value added education in present era;Feb10-11,2018;  Shree balaji academy ,Moradabad
  15. Revolutionising education:need, challenges and strategies; Feb 24-25,2018.
  1. Re-engineering of Indian banking industry in global perspective; Feb20-21,2008;Bareilly college, bareilly.
  2. Sustainable development of rural india; Oct10-11,2009;IIMS, Bareilly.
  3. World crisis and Gandhain vision;Jan20-21,2015; Ismail national pg college for women, Meerut.
  1. Advances in assessment, training and evaluation of students with special needs; March 4 to    6thMarch, 2009; FEAS,MJPRU, Bareilly.
  2. Workshop on application of Technology for students with Disablities;Dec23-24,2009; Dept of Education,MJPRU, Bareilly.
  3. Computer applications in classroom teaching;Feb8,2011; SPDIT and MAM, bareilly.
  4. Changing dimensions in teaching learning  process;Sep29,2012; Bareilly college, bareilly.
  5. NAAC: for enhancement and sustenance of quality in higher education; Oct12,2012; Govt. of U.P.
  6. Psychological approaches towards effective teaching learning process;Feb22,2014;Dept. of teacher education, Bareilly college, bareilly.
  7. Use of ICT and e-Education tools:Techniques in higher education and research;Feb22 toFeb28,2017; Kmggpg college, badalpur.
  8. Quality assurance in teacher education; Oct25-26,2018;Internal quality assurance cell, MJPRU, Bareilly.

Orientation programme-128; Jan1 to jan 29,2018;University of Lucknow.

: 23-Jul-2014
: 10 year 5month


Govt. Raza Post Graduate College, Rampur
Khusro Bagh ,Rampur - 244901(UP) India,
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